Bridging the Digital Gender Gap — Webinar Recording
Introduction to the latest ICT tools available in Africa and how you can effectively use them to empower women in rural areas
Introduction to the latest ICT tools available in Africa and how you can effectively use them to empower women in rural areas
Recently the professional debate has shifted from increasing income and local availability of nutrient-dense foods to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition. However, food preferences and traditions are more and more recognised as critical factors. A new working paper shows how to integrate nutrition-related activities into agricultural value chain programs.
Unique momentum for agricultural development on the African continent
The dynamic cashew sector has enabled national and regional economies to rake in substantial revenues and balance their trade
Study on the cocoa project Pro-PLANTEURS in Cote d’Ivoire
GIZ is phasing in their new integrated digital applications platform IDA
Call for innovative project proposals in commodity development
Tandis que l’internet offre de vastes quantités d'informations sur la biodiversité, trouver les bons éléments demande énormément de temps. Ce manuel fournit des conseils pratiques et succincts pour la planification des activités de suivi de la biodiversité
Stefan Schmitz elaborates on the G20 rural youth employment initiative and German collaboration activity, where the subject will receive special attention from now on
This concept note demonstrates how modern agricultural mechanisation of field operations can contribute to slow down rural-to-urban migration trends of young people, by generating employment opportunities both on and off-farm