New Training Materials on Food & Nutrition Security
The materials will be used for a pilot in Kenya from the end of July onward
The materials will be used for a pilot in Kenya from the end of July onward
Report from the first annual meeting of the Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience working group
Recommended reading by the Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience working group — four publications
FBS is developing their own mobile app to support farmers in their everyday work
Results of two surveys conducted to scale up GIZ's promotion of contract farming as inclusive business
Trouver des présentations et des comptes rendus de réunions
Brief video statement on gender aspects at the Green Innovation Centre in India
Development partnerships with the private sector are excellent to propose, design and promote inclusive businesses
Abstract of a session on CAADP and the Country Agribusiness Partnership Framework conducted at the recent PPARD working group meeting
Dialogue event Berlin with input cases on poultry in Cameroon and milk in Burkina Faso