Meeting Colleagues to Get a Better Grip to What’s Going On on the Ground
Statement by Henriette Hanf at the beginning of the 2023 SNRD Africa conference
Steering Group Member – Learn from Africa and Bring Knowledge to It
Lorenz Petersen feels that SNRD is on a good track with regards to SEWOH's requirements, i.e. in terms of action in (…)
AgriPlace Farm Group
AgriPlace offers a good example on how to link farmers, auditors and food companies into a plattform where farmers remain the owner of their data!
NeFo-Video zu Fragestellungen des Weltbiodiversitätsrates IPBES
Worum geht es in den Globalen und Regionalen Zustandsberichten des Weltbiodiversitätsrates IPBES? Deutsche Autorinnen und Autoren der Globalen und Regionalen Assessments erzählen, mit welchen Fragen sie sich in ihren Berichten auseinandersetzen und welche Themen sie beisteuern.
GIZ: My Farm, my business. The Farmer Business School and its sucess in Togo. 2017
The Farmer Business School (FBS) is a successful tool for farmers in Togo/West Africa who work on a micro-level. It aims to gain more money by running an own business in order to reduce poverty and to increase quality of life.
Mini Workshops – Compilation of Six Reports Back
Short statements by the rapporteurs of the mini workshops held at the 2017 SNRD Africa Conference in Pretoria.
Open Space – EU From A-Z: New Policy Framework for Development Cooperation
Max Baumann's short remark on his open space held in Pretoria: EU from A to Z – New Policy Framework and Instruments for Development Cooperation, Trade and Agriculture
Open Space – New CAADP NAIPs: How GIZ bilateral projects can get involved
Tarquin Meszaros reports on the open space he presented at the 2017 SNRD Africa conference in Pretoria.
Open Space GIZ-EC Cooperation in Practice: Prepare EU co-funded programmes under PAGoDA
Jessica Pressler summarizing the open space she conducted at the 2017 SNRD Africa conference in Pretoria.
Natural Resources Management Working Group: Ensuring the Exchange of Different Experiences
Andreas Schleenbäcker connects the dots between the SDGs, youth development, SNRD Africa in general and the experiences of the working group in particular. Recorded at the 2017 SNRD Africa conference in Pretoria.