Le développement de l’agro-industrie : Une grande opportunité pour la jeunesse
Brève déclaration d'Adama Nacanobo sur sa participation à la conférence SNRD Afrique 2023.
Open Space on the IPBES Assessment of Pollinators
Katja Heubach speaks about the recently conducted assessment by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPBES on the role of pollinators in food production systems. (...)
Open Space – Participation des Organisations des Jeunes dans la Gestion de Sécurité Alimentaire
Pascal Payet partage les trois lésons appris du Open Space dédié à la place des jeunes dans la gestion de la sécurité alimentaire.
The Most Pressing Issue in Rural Development – Hans Schöneberger
Hans Schöneberger thinks that all progress achieved in rural development will be eaten up by population growth. The issue put massive pressure on natural resources and was the source for substantial conflict. (...)
The Most Pressing Issue in Rural Development – Barbara Schweiger
Barbara Schweiger wants more thinking out of the box. Issues such as those related to climate should make SNRD consider more training and social aspects (...)
The Most Pressing Issue in Rural Development – Christel Weller-Molongua
Christel Weller-Molongua sees the biggest challenge for rural development in creating jobs for the young. Youngsters wanted new forms of cooperation and since they were active on the social networks (…)
Mini-Workshop – Promoting Youth Employment With Digital Solutions
Inspired by the mini workshop on ICT, Rokia Goldmann sees a great potential for ICT to create jobs for the young generation, to get them a first access to the job market.
Open Space – Agribusiness Services for Youth to Raise Productivity: Exp. from Cote d’Ivoire
Côte d’Ivoire is an agricultural country with 24 million inhabitants. It’s the world’s leading cocoa producing country. Its food crops are essential for the nutrition of the population (…)
RiceAdvice: Decision support tool by AfricaRice for African rice farmers
Learn more about the smartphone application RiceAdvice to improve the rice value chain in Africa!
ICT in Agriculture
An introduction to ICT for agriculture (ICT4Ag).