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Production and Supply of Nutritious Foods at Centre of Value Chain Discourse

MISES À JOUR, Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle|

Recently the professional debate has shifted from increasing income and local availability of nutrient-dense foods to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition. However, food preferences and traditions are more and more recognised as important factors. A new working paper shows how to integrate nutrition-related activities into agricultural value chain programs. 

The Dragon in the Room — China’s Engagements in Africa

MISES À JOUR, Politiques de développement rural|

The phone rings. It’s the German embassy: “Where are the Chinese active?” — Evidently, there's a lack of profound information about China's cooperation with Africa. A webinar shed light on the top-ranking donor, rectifying skewed and outdated perceptions



Participate in the network

Launched in 1995 in Lesotho, the Sector Network Rural Development Africa today deals with all aspects related rural development and sustainable management of natural resources in Africa. In addition, rural development issues are linked to broader aspects of economic development as well as good governance processes.