Production and Supply of Nutritious Foods at Centre of Value Chain Discourse
Recently the professional debate has shifted from increasing income and local availability of nutrient-dense foods to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition. However, food preferences and traditions are more and more recognised as important factors. A new working paper shows how to integrate nutrition-related activities into agricultural value chain programs.
Webinar Series on Agricultural Value Chains Started
This first of a six parts webinar series introduced the new ValueLinks 2.0 manual and provided an overview of the topics it covers -- Recording available
The Dragon in the Room — China’s Engagements in Africa
The phone rings. It’s the German embassy: “Where are the Chinese active?” — Evidently, there's a lack of profound information about China's cooperation with Africa. A webinar shed light on the top-ranking donor, rectifying skewed and outdated perceptions
IPBES — Les derniers appels et notifications
Important dates of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Collection of Nutritious Dishes From Eleven Countries
The SEWOH programme presents popular recipes, rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals and prepared by local people
Première conférence nationale sur la sécurité alimentaire au Bénin
À l'initiative conjointe du programme mondial « Sécurité alimentaire et renforcement de la Résilience » et du Conseil de l’Alimentation et de la Nutrition, a eu lieu à Possotomè au Bénin, les 17 et 18 août 2017, une conférence nationale sur la sécurité alimentaire
Le cash-flow
Comment la directrice d’une coopérative arrive à augmenter la sécurité alimentaire à l’aide d’un système de crédit
Shopping et service de conseil – en un
Le nouveau Farm Sercive Center à Iteya est un service d’orientation pour 25.000 petits exploitants
Un avenir pour l’agriculture biologique – Benin
Le Centre d’Innovations Vertes éprouve la certification adaptée à local