The Consultative International Cashew Council Boasts of Nine Member Countries
The dynamic cashew sector has enabled national and regional economies to rake in substantial revenues and balance their trade
Cost Structure and Access to Financing for Cooperatives
Study on the cocoa project Pro-PLANTEURS in Cote d’Ivoire
Climate Change Adaptation Community and Climate Risk CoP on IDA
GIZ is phasing in their new integrated digital applications platform IDA
Common Fund for Commodities Invites Applications for Support of Commodity Development Activities
Call for innovative project proposals in commodity development
Manuel sur le Suivi de la Biodiversité : Version Française maintenant disponible
Tandis que l’internet offre de vastes quantités d'informations sur la biodiversité, trouver les bons éléments demande énormément de temps. Ce manuel fournit des conseils pratiques et succincts pour la planification des activités de suivi de la biodiversité
Agricultural Mechanisation & Rural Employment
This concept note demonstrates how modern agricultural mechanisation of field operations can contribute to slow down rural-to-urban migration trends of young people, by generating employment opportunities both on and off-farm
How can Public Works Programmes create Sustainable Employment?
DIE paper on the long-standing development interventions that have become increasingly popular and more ambitions in recent years
Plant a Tree — Make a Difference
450,000 ordinary and fruit trees were planted for household and communal use through local community structures in Malawi
FAO Webinar Series
Recordings of two webinar series, one on resilience and one on irrigation in Africa