Visual Training Materials on Nutrition Security
Tailoring training for all in Zambia
Re-Imagining Rural Development for Resilience, Equity and Nature
Insights from SNRD Africa conference in the area of integrated solutions for sustainable transformation
Systèmes alimentaires résilients pour l’avenir
Du Sénégal en 2023 à la Zambie en 2025 — Réflexion de Heike Hoeffler, nouvelle intervenante SNRD Africa, sur la récente conférence SNRD Africa au Sénégal.
Le féminisme au service de la transformation durable des systèmes agro-alimentaires
Quelle peut être la contribution du féminisme ?
La Conférence SNRD Africa 2023
Trouvez vos informations sur la prochaine conférence au Sénégal.
Best Practice Examples for Climate Change Adaptation
New video clip series Living Adaptation shows potential pathways to climate-resilient agri-food systems
Green Jobs and Income Potential: Agroecology’s Role in Rural Employment
Factsheet explores the link between agroecology, jobs and income in rural areas
How Remote Sensing Can Help Save Ghana’s Trees
Using remote sensing to preserve trees and combat climate change
What Works in Rural Youth Employment Promotion?
Good practices and lessons from GIZ programmes on rural youth employment