Agricultural Transformation and Finance
Abstract of a session on CAADP and the Country Agribusiness Partnership Framework conducted at the recent PPARD working group meeting
Agricultural Trade and the Development of the Local Food Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dialogue event Berlin with input cases on poultry in Cameroon and milk in Burkina Faso
Agricultural Commodity Exchange Links Farmers to Markets
10 years of trading experience and the Chitumba model — an input from the recent ABIVCD working group meeting
CBS and Financing Negotiation by Smallholder Cooperatives in West and Central Africa
The training approach enables smallholder cooperatives to initiate business services — From the recent ABIVCD working group meeting
Poultry Production in Cameroon
Policy brief on how Cameroon's previously introduced import restriction on frozen poultry cuts affects the poultry sector in the country
The Dairy Sector in Burkina Faso
Policy brief on the capacity of the West African country's dairy sector and the impact of European milk powder exports
Understanding Work and Employment
The different ways employment figures are calculated has an impact on small-scale agriculture -- Some thoughts
Women Are the Backbone of Agriculture
Report from the event Women in Agricultural Value Chains: Experiences, Impacts & Commitments for the Future, inclusive of three video statements
Issues With Land Governance Hinder Sustainable Development Efforts
Comprehensive results of a survey on land governance in Africa conducted by the PPARD working group