From the Fields and into Parliament — Why Agriculture Must Be a Political Matter
Cross-reference to the fifth issue of the One World No Hunger web magazine
Introducing the Fish for Nutrition Programme in Somalia
Improving food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations in Kismayo, Somalia through access to fishery products
How the Fish for Nutrition Project Contributes to Jubaland’s Fisheries Sector
Coordination does make for better impact — have a look
Agrobiodiversity Success Stories from Kenya
Three case studies have been identified and published — others to follow suit soon
Financing Value Chains
Report from the first annual meeting of the Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chains Development working group
Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems
The toolbox provides hands-on guidance to end-users, policy-makers and financiers on risks related to system efficiency, financial viability and sustainable use of water resources
Politics Shifts Into Gear With the Promotion of Rural Youth Employment
A new sector project on rural employment with a special focus on youth starts its operations
Technical Business Services for Cocoa Farmers
Generating youth employment, making farming more competitive and attractive — Concepts and experiences from Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs — Creating and Measuring Youth Employment
How can Africa generate 20 million new jobs for the youth each year? — Key question for German development cooperation and cover story of latest SNRD newsletter