PPARD Working Group Day in November
Find the minutes from the meeting in Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Youth Development and Employment in Namibia’s Natural Resources Sector
Have a look at the activities of youth in the conservation sector in Namibia
Building Resilience in Mali — A Step by Step Approach
Populations throughout the Sahel find themselves in the grip of hunger and malnutrition — Mali is no different, people face a chronically alarming situation which is periodically aggravated by acute food and nutrition crises
Renforcer la résilience : Faisons-nous des progrès ?
Vers une compréhension commune du renforcement de la résilience — réflexion sur l'état et les perspectives de cet objectif critique
On the Status of the Displayed Project Information
We have endeavored to update the list of projects and now need a little help from SNRD members
Co-Creating Inclusive Business Opportunities
New publication about experiences with initiatives in Malawi
Co-Creating Inclusive Business Opportunities
New publication about experiences with initiatives in Malawi
Kilimo Ni Biz! — Agriculture is Business!
700 rural youths headed to the first Youth in Agribusiness Western Region Conference in Kenya's Kakamega County
Recommended Reading
The Food Security and Nutrition working group suggests 10 publications and web articles