A Strong Voice for Equal Opportunities
Radios and women entrepreneurs in rural Cameroon call for gender equality
Gender-Transformative Change in ATVET
New booklet highlights the journey of the ATVET4W project towards women’s empowerment
Documentation de la Conférence SNRD Afrique
Retrouvez toutes les informations sur les résultats de notre récente conférence à Abidjan
Online Pool of Trainers Qualified in Contract Farming
The new section on the website helps you source the right trainer for your project's needs
Update from the CCLNRM Working Group
The working group on Climate Change, Livelihoods and Natural Resources Management starts into the new season with 11 workstreams
Update from the PPARD Working Group
The PPARD working group continues to focus on peer-to-peer learning and exchanging on policy advice in GIZ projects
Mot de bienvenue de la nouvelle porte-parole du SNRD Rita Weidinger
C'est avec un grand plaisir que je m'adresse à vous dans le cadre de ma nouvelle fonction de porte-parole du SNRD Afrique !
Update from the ABIVCD Working Group
What happened at the workshop of the Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development working group in Abidjan?
Update from the FSNR Working Group
At the 2019 SNRD Conference in Abidjan the Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience working group met for the second time