Prosperity from Climate-smart agribusiness with and for Africa
Online eventIf you want to learn and exchange more on climate smart agribusiness, emissions and agroecology metrics as well as climate-smart products (and a lot more!) please register for the 2 days International Online Conference, 24.-25. May 2022, on “Prosperity from Climate-smart agribusiness with and for Africa” here: Climatesmart-Agribusiness
Integrating Climate Transparency and Policy: Tools and Case Studies in Lusophone Countries
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.Side event at COP27
Technical workshop of Cluster Francophone
Bonn , GermanyEvent in Bonn on invitation only
Access and Benefit Sharing & Digital Sequence Information in the Context of the Global Biodiversity Framework
Online , GermanyEvent in Bonn on invitation only
On the Benefit of Digital Advisory Services
Online , GermanyGlobal Sharing Webinar
The 2023 SNRD Africa Conference
Saly, Senegal Saly, SenegalFind more information on SNRD's big biennial event here: Transform & Innovate: Future-proof Food Systems
Training on Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains
AIZ Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyThe next SASI Training will take place from June 2 to 6, 2025, at AIZ in Bonn-Röttgen, Germany. Over the course of 4,5 training days, participants will grasp concepts, enhance their practical competencies and broaden their [...]