Land Matters! — Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
8-week course on how to integrate soil degradation concerns and solutions in policy processes as a major aspect of sustainable soil protection
8-week course on how to integrate soil degradation concerns and solutions in policy processes as a major aspect of sustainable soil protection
More information forthcoming, please check back
Au Sénégal et au Togo, cela s’est concrétisé par la mise en place par Décret présidentiel du Comité National sur les Changements Climatiques
Fourth online exchange with inputs on implementation experiences gained in Ivory Coast and Cameroon
Introducing land governance to agriculture and rural development practitioners
7th part of the Value Links Plus webinar series
Webinaire à venir
Details forthcoming
Webinar of the ATVET Working Group
The 8th webinar of the series on agricultural value chains