Introduction to Resilience for Development
Free online course in two parts, facilitated in English, French, and Spanish
Free online course in two parts, facilitated in English, French, and Spanish
The ICT4Ag CoP will discuss with Lukas Borkowski -- country manager of Viamo, a mobile engagement consultancy -- and GIZ's Paul Cronjaeger, how you can leverage the power of mobile for sustainable and measurable impacts in your agricultural project
How you can use ICT within your agriculture project
This kickoff session will focus on introducing the overall concept of the ValueLinks Manual 2.0. Participants are invited to discuss which specific topics should be covered in the upcoming webinar series
The sector project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains, the SNRD working group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development, and the FMB invite
Learning from country experiences collecting and using budget data to improve their nutrition programs
ICTs can empower rural women in your agricultural project – Learn how!
The webinar will explore experiences of countries with mainstreaming adaptation to climate change on the local level
Le webinaire sera l’opportunité pour des échanges d’expériences de pays
The webinar is the first of a Webinar Series on To Promote Dialogue on Forest Governance