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Webinar focusing on good practices and lessons from GIZ programmes with regard to rural youth employment

Since Africa’s (rural) youth is rapidly growing in numbers, advising on job creation has become a major objective of development cooperation.

For German development employment cooperation the promotion in rural areas with a focus on youth is still a relatively new topic. While the issue is becoming more pressing, very few projects explicitly and comprehensively address the issue.

Nevertheless, many projects of both rural and economic development, are addressing different aspects and a range of learning experiences is already available. The Sector Project commissioned a study to outline the different approaches to rural youth employment promotion (RYEP) within GIZ programmes and distill their main success factors and lessons learned.

The consultants Claudia Knobloch and Christian Pirzer of Endeva are going to present the main findings and highlight two of the 11 case studies in an interactive interview. There will be plenty of time to discuss with representatives of the featured case studies, but also amongst each other about the results and their implications.

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