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Webinar on Agricultural Value Chains — What’s in It for You?

This kickoff session will focus on introducing the overall concept of the ValueLinks Manual 2.0. Participants are invited to discuss which specific topics should be covered in the upcoming series of webinars

The sector project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains, the SNRD working group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development, and the FMB cordially invite to their first online seminar.

Is this relevant to you?

The webinar series is specially designed for all colleagues – in particular those from the Sector and Global Programs Department (G500) and SNRD – who get in touch with agricultural value chains as part of their project implementation.

About the entire webinar series

The overall concept of the series hinges on an inclusive and proactive topic selection by you. Being demand-oriented means more to us than just saying it. Please have a look at the ValueLinks2.0 Manual to get an overview of which types of subjects we could delve into.

Here are some ideas: Subject-wise, we can include the analysis of socioeconomic, ecological, and gender-related aspects within value chain development, business models and nutrition questions. However and most importantly, we will have a closer look at the application of different tools in project context, practical experience, as well as challenges arising and lessons learnt. So we want to get your guidance on topics as well as on what kind of tools you would be interested to hear more of in the coming months.

How does this initial seminar work?

In this first kick-off session, we will focus on introducing the overall concept of the ValueLinks Manual 2.0, as well as on the discussion on which specific topics we will focus during the upcoming webinars. Andreas Springer-Heinze, Senior Planning Officer at GIZ Eschborn will guide you through the kick-off webinar, together with Alfons Eiligmann, and Karina Brenneis.

What’s your takeaway?

We want to encourage you to join the kick-off session and actively state your particular interests in certain areas related to agricultural value chains, to get them covered in more detail during the upcoming webinar series.

About the promotion of agriculture value chains

International and German development cooperation has encouraged the promotion of agricultural values since the beginning of the 2000s. It is viewed as an important strategy to transform agribusiness towards more economic, ecological and social sustainability.

The advancement shall lead to improved competitiveness and income increases for smallholders and workers — in agriculture itself as well as in upstream and downstream sectors.

Since the food price crisis in 2007/2008, strategies to promote value chains are more and more applied to support development goals around food and nutrition security, not only reduce poverty.

About the speakers

Andreas Springer-Heinze is an agricultural economist by training and a Senior Planning Officer at GIZ Head Office in Eschborn, Germany. He has extensive experience in the field of sustainable development.

He is author of the ValueLinks methodology on value chain development. In the past 12 years, he has conducted inter-national training seminars and studies on value chain promotion in agribusiness, bio-trade, handicrafts, small-scale manufacturing and tourism.

In 2009, he founded the International ValueLinks Association e.V., together with colleagues engaged in value chain work.

Alfons Eiligmann is a board member of the International ValueLinks Association and a ValueLinks master trainer since 2007. He facilitated more than 70 ValueLinks training courses and works as a consultant with GIZ projects in Africa and Asia.

When: 17 Nov 2017, 14.00-15.00h (CET)

Where:  Online via Skype4Buisness. This is a webinar for SNRD/GIZ only.

You already have tons of questions that you would like to ask Andreas Springer-Heinze and Alfons Eiligmann?

Please send your questions to Eva Maria Greber prior to the webinar. We will make sure that we cover your points during the brief presentation or we will get to them during the Q&A part of the session.

We are looking forward to having great discussions with you! It’s an exciting subject!

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