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How to identify funding opportunities for climate-sensible projects?

As part of the south-south cooperation of francophone countries, the projects (4C)-IKI and ASNaCC are planning a regional workshop on climate finance in the first week of July.

The event will be clustered in three main sessions:

  1. The functioning of the Green Climate Fund
  2. Accredited agencies
  3. Project implementation circuits

A critical component of the workshop will also deal with the experiences in the different countries and processes of exchanging information.

A detailed agenda is in preparation and will be sent to all interested countries upon request by 21 May.

Who is the workshop for?

The workshop primarily targets SNRD members in francophone African countries. The language of interaction will be French, without interpretation to other languages.

Each participating country is eligible to register up to three people on behalf of their partner organizations and one GIZ staff.

How to join?

Members interested joining are warmly welcome to contact Karim ANEGAY ( on behalf of the organizing project 4C in Morocco and/or Mamadou DIARRA ( on behalf of the hosting project in Mali.

Expenses: Participants are requested cover their own expenses for traveling and accommodation.

Deadline: Friday, 1 June.


  • Project (4C) – IKI “Climate Change Competence Center of Morocco” (AV Mohamed BOUSSAID)
  • ASNaCC – Support to the National Strategy of Climate Change in Mali, (AV Hartmut BEHREND)

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