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Webinar with case studies from Ethiopia and Madagascar, conducted by the FLR group which forms part of the CCLNRM Working Group

What are costs and benefits of the various FLR options in the landscape? How can one convince stakeholders of the positive return of their investment in FLR measures? How can you calculate the ROI for the different FLR interventions in a particular landscape and improve project implementation from an economic point of view?

Did you ever ask yourself similar kinds of questions because you are interested in the economic aspects of FLR? — Then our next webinar is for you! You’re welcome to join us and learn about the possibilities and constraints of a new methodology developed for measuring the economics of FLR. With the watershed of Lake Chamo in Ethiopia and mangroves in the Boeny region in Madagascar, the methodology has been tested in two very different ecosystems and regions, revealing interesting insights about the economics of Forest Landscape Restoration.

Your takeaways

  • Information on the methodology of FLR economics
  • Insights in the opportunities and constraints that economic assessments offer to FLR
  • Opportunity to discuss possible implications for other regions and FLR projects


  • Lincoln Davis, Senior Economist at UNIQUE forestry and land use
  • Duncan Gromko, Senior Economist at UNIQUE forestry and land use

This session will be conducted via Skype for Business in English. We will do our best to accommodate French-speaking participants during the discussion.

For further information, please contact Christian Burren ( or Anna Rother (

Economics glossary

(Terms used in the presentation — Click to enlarge)

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