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Week-long virtual working group meeting

The year 2020 has been filled with uncertainties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. An in-person meeting of ABIVCD working group will not be possible in 2020.

We, however, find the exchange in the Sector Network Rural Development Africa and its Working Groups very valuable to its members. Especially in times when we are not able to meet in person and exchange our knowledge and experiences, we feel it is even more important to have the opportunity to meet and exchange online.

Therefore, the Working Group on Agribusiness and Value Chain Development (ABIVCD) of SNRD Africa decided to host the first-ever virtual meeting. The daily sessions can be found on the agenda below and interested colleagues are very welcome to take part.

The virtual meeting is based on a gamification approach, where participants can take part in collecting points during the week to have a chance at winning lucrative prizes for national GIZ-staff from their project or money for studies to be conducted. The handbook with the gamification rules can be obtained from us.

If you are interested in attending the virtual meeting and participating in the competition, please contact We will then send you the official invitation and the registration to take part in the competition. The deadline for registering for taking part in the competition is 26 October.



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