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Upcoming webinar detailing experiences from German Development Cooperation

This webinar will provide you with an overview of GIZ’s approach on Inclusive Contract Farming (ICF; based on two handbooks published on behalf of BMZ (2013, 2015)). It will discuss implementation experiences from selected GIZ projects in Africa and introduce the Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF). We will summarize the experience and successes of 30 projects in 20 countries which resulted in higher income for supplying MSMEs, new and better products, environmental competitive advantages of producing regions on international markets and many more (see details attached)

Together, we would now like to discuss ways to integrate our partners for further upscaling of successful ICF approaches across the African continent.

Language: English with simultaneous translation to French

What else to know? It is time to share this experience and to foster the way forward: Join us!


Moderator: Arshfod Ngugi, Agri-Business Facility for Africa

Time Agenda item In the lead
10:30 – 10:35 Welcome, background and objective of the webinar Heike Höffler,

SP AAA/Agriculture

Annemarie Matthess, ABF

10:35 – 10:50 Presenting the “package”: GIZ methodology and activities on Inclusive Contract Farming (ICF) Margret Will, consultant

Katharina Schlemper, (former) advisor SP AAA / Agriculture

10:50 – 11:10 Learning from good practices: ICF impacts in selected GIZ programmes:

  • Competitive African Rice Initiative, CARI (10 min.)
  • Green Innovation Centre Burkina Faso, ProCIV (10 min.)

Precious Ijirigho

Value Chain Advisor


Mohamed Lamine Ouedraogo Technical Advisor


11:10 – 11:20 The Agribusiness Facility for Africa (ABF): structure, objective, and plans ahead for Inclusive Contract Farming ABF
11:20 – 11:50 Q&A, discussion All
11:50 – 12:00 Wrap-up and take-home messages Heike Höffler,

SP AAA/ Agriculture

Annemarie Matthess, ABF

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