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    Major meetings and upcoming training opportunities

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Training workshop in Abidjan

We introduce the RWI methodology to enable projects to link current intermediate outcomes to employment effects. In the workshop you’ll learn how to apply this new methodology in your projects, specifically how to better measure and report your employment impact and effects.

Target group/ participants

Open to all GIZ staff, specifically monitoring and evaluation experts


The workshop will be conducted in English


In Africa alone, 440 million young people will enter the labour market by 2030. Therefore, the creation of employment opportunities is a major objective in development cooperation. In parallel, it is becoming increasingly important to measure the impact and effects of our projects on employment. Together with the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research (RWI), we created a pragmatic methodology to link current (project) outcomes to employment effects.

You want to participate?

Registration is open until 20.08.2019, kindly email to from the SV.

Please inform the SNRD conference organisation team ( in case your arrival day changes because of your participation in the workshop.

NB: Seats are limited.

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