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Upcoming webinar

Working in agriculture and skills development?
Don’t miss this online seminar on Africa’s agricultural TVET journey! Join us as we review highlights and lessons learnt from the continental implementation of Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET). Participants will get the opportunity to learn about the ATVET journey from classic TVET to championing gender-transformative approaches for women’s social and economic empowerment.

Despite unemployment in many African countries, the high demand for a qualified workforce in the agricultural sector is not sufficiently met. This disparity is partly due to a mismatch between education curricula and labour market needs, particularly practical skills and work experience. Anchored under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) of the African Union, the ATVET project was implemented to address this challenge in 12 African countries, with support from GIZ until June 2020.

To achieve real impact for employment and entrepreneurship in agriculture, ATVET focused on competency-based training along value chains to meet labour market needs. As part of the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA), the ATVET for Women (ATVET4W) is supporting the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) to continue these efforts with a focus on gender-transformative approaches in six countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Togo.

ATVET and ATVET4W, both ambitious pan-African undertakings, generated a wealth of good practices and lessons learnt on several topics, including integrating ATVET into national policies, partnerships for in-company internships, competency-based training approaches and Gender Transformative Change in practice. During this seminar, ATVET4W colleagues will share some of these key insights and point towards a plethora of knowledge products that GIZ colleagues can use for project planning and implementation of skills development in agriculture – including a focus on women’s empowerment.

Speakers and Inputs

  • Geoffroy Gantoli (Regional Coordinator, ATVET4W) will provide an overview of key results, impacts and lessons learnt from the ATVET and ATVET4W modules
  • Joan Githinji & Lamina Ratovonasy (M&E, Comms & Knowledge Management Advisors, ATVET4W) will present some of the project’s knowledge products as inspiration for other projects
  • Frank Bertelmann (Programme Manager Global Project Rural Employment with focus on youth) will interview Miriam Heidtmann (Programme Manager, ATVET4W) and Abdoulaye Yeye (National Coordinator for Burkina Faso of the Global Project Rural Employment with a focus on youth) to discuss the sustainability and further development of the original ATVET interventions.


  • Sara Jabril, Advisor (ATVET4W)
  • Ronald Kouago, Junior Advisor (ATVET4W)


Global Project Rural Employment with a focus on youth in collaboration with SIFA ATVET4W project.


You already have questions that you would like to ask the presenters? Kindly send them to prior to the webinar. We’ll make sure that the questions will be addressed in the Q&A part of the session!

We are very much looking forward to discussing the inputs during the webinar.

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