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Training workshop in Abidjan

The training will start with a theoretical introduction followed by some practical insights and valuable tools and case studies. Over the course of one and a half days, we will give you an overview on
  • Introduction to access to finance in agriculture
  • Challenges for access to finance in agriculture
  • Successful agricultural and value chain finance models
  • Designing an agricultural and value chain finance intervention
  • Providing the right support activities
The training will be based on hands-on project examples, innovative solutions and potential pitfalls to avoid.
More detailed information on the agenda will follow shortly. In the meantime, we would love to hear whether you have any special interests or expectations for this training?
Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Please note the workshop is fully booked. 


We are delighted to be able to offer this training FOR FREE to the conference participants! This includes the training fee, catering, coffee breaks and training packs. Additional accommodation costs related to the training (earlier arrival to the SNRD conference for the training) as well as your flight will have to be covered by your programme/project.

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