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    Major meetings and upcoming training opportunities

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Webinar in the Nutrition Knowledge Snack Series

ICT solutions to improve nutrition bear risks and challenges. In the webinar learning experiences from the “Health Centre by Phone”, Malawi and the E-Learning platform for social workers in India will be presented and discussed, including their rollout and potential for upscaling.


  • Nadine Bader (GV ES India)
  • Neha Khara (GV ES India)
  • Omega Sambo (VillageReach Malawi)
  • Martina Kress (GV ES Malawi)


Last year the ‘Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience’ working group decided to facilitate exchange between group members in order to increase the level of learning from one another. The group identified topics of great interest to the community as well as specific learning events which are included in the work plan of the group.

The IDA community platforms have been set up and are already used actively. Hence, ‘the floor is open’ for fruitful technical exchange.

The aims of the webinars in the Knowledge Snacks series which started in early 2019 are:

  • To support learning and knowledge exchange between projects on emerging relevant topics on FNSR in an informal manner
  • To facilitate virtual exchange of community members


Photo: © GIZ

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