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Seminar on Nature Conservation in German Development Cooperation on the Isle of Vilm

The recognition of rights and diverse value and knowledge systems, inclusive decisionmaking and fair sharing of costs and benefits are all aspects of equity that are instrumental to achieving conservation goals. These issues have become an important concern in international biodiversity conservation policy and are high on the agenda of key conservation actors. Advancing human rights-based approaches remains a challenge in contexts of ill-aligned legal frameworks and conflicting interests around the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Based on real-life examples the seminar will explore instruments and options for how the challenges can be addressed in practice and develop guidance for development cooperation.


  • Raise awareness and provide “user-friendly” orientation about the international normative framework including concepts, legal instruments, actors and their rights and responsibilities, as well as current trends and initiatives
  • Analyse and reflect on implications, challenges and solutions for typical settings of development cooperation projects in the field of biodiversity conservation
  • Provide information about instruments for implementation, and identify options for action using „real life“ examples;
  • Develop recommendations on how to enhance human rights and equity in the area of biodiversity conservation at different levels of intervention in German development cooperation.

A field trip will take place in the middle of the seminar.

For whom is the seminar?

The seminar is aimed at practitioners at the interface of development cooperation and biodiversity conservation (GIZ, KfW, BMZ, BMUB, consulting companies, foundations, NGOs, universities, partner organizations).

The number of participants for the 1st seminar is limited to 20, for the 2nd seminar to 25.


Please register online.

You’ll also have to send a completed form to Otherwise, your registration cannot be considered.

Participants will be chosen based on a number of criteria, such as:

Regional and institutional balance

  • Participation in previous seminars
  • Motivation and relevance to work context
  • Ability to contribute actively

Deadline for online registration and submitting of application form: 31 March 2018
For questions, please, contact Martina Finger (
Confirmations will be sent out by 30 April 2018

About the series of seminars on nature conservation in development cooperation

The series has been held at the International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm since 1999. It is jointly organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW Development Bank and the International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).

The first seminar “Biodiversity conservation for human well-being” presents an overview and update of the most relevant concepts. Based on a combination of practical examples, tools and trends in biodiversity conservation for human well-being and development, it provides a good platform for exchanging experiences. The second seminar is devoted to the in-depth consideration of a specific topic identified as of particular interest. Based on feedback from last year’s participants and on-going discussions in international biodiversity policy fora, the topic “Human rights and equity in biodiversity conservation” was chosen for 2018.

The language of both seminars will be English.

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