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Webinar #11 of the ValueLinks Plus series on agricultural value chain promotion

We focus on the contribution of multi-stakeholder partnershipss to value chain promotion, outline circumstances that make MSP successful and aspects to consider when facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships.


  • Sonia Lehmann, German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa & International ValueLinks Association
  • Silke Peters, Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative INA (Initiative Nachhaltige Agrarlieferketten)
  • Sarah Lena Jensen, GIZ Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance


Alfons Eiligmann, International ValueLinks Association


Carolin Voigt, GIZ Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance (SP AAA)

Is this relevant to you?

You promote agricultural value chain development? You are interested in the cooperation with the private sector in the agri-food economy?
You want to learn more about the instrument of multi-stakeholder partnerships? You want to share your insights from experiences in multi-stakeholder partnerships?

If the answer to one of these questions is ‘yes’, our webinar #11 will be worth your while!

Your takeaway

We want to encourage you to join our Webinar #11 to learn and share your knowledge.

Our special guests will present:

We’ll record the webinar for the purpose of video documentation. The video will be distributed to the public after the webinar.
We’ll distribute the edited recording together with the presentations and a brief written summary of key messages to all participants.

The edited video documentation of our last Webinar #10 on Energy Mapping along Agricultural Value Chains is available here:>

Data privacy

Please, note that with your participation in the webinar – either virtual or physical – you give consent to use your personal data according to the European General Data Privacy Regulation (2016/679)

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The webinar is hosted by the SP AAA in collaboration with the SNRD Africa Working Group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development (ABIVCD), and the GIZ Sectoral Department (FMB).

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