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Sequel #10 – ValueLinks Plus series

This episode will focus on energy mapping in connection with agricultural value chains. 


  • Alfons Eiligmann, the Value Links Association
  • Hannah Posern & Jennifer Braun, GIZ Sustainable Energy for Food – Powering Agriculture
  • Johanna Zimmermann, GIZ Sectoral Department (FMB)

Is this relevant to you?

The discussion will focus on the energy mapping tool along agricultural value chains as part of the environmental analysis of value chains. The presenters will share the practical experiences made in their project while developing and applying the energy mapping tool as provided by the ValueLinks methodology.

Your takeaway

We want to encourage you to join the webinar to learn and share your knowledge regarding the application of energy mapping along the value chain to outline the potential of this tool for value chain development.

What’ new?

After the webinar, we’ll be offering an edited video recording, a short write-up and the presentations. 

In advance of the webinar, you’re welcome to post your questions to Carolin Voigt.

Please, feel free to forward this invitation to your GIZ or SNRD Africa and Asia/Pacific colleagues. 

All the organisers

  • Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance
  • SNRD Africa Working Group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development
  • Sectoral Department FMB

Eberhard Krain (FMB, ABIVCD tandem partner) & Carolin Voigt (Sector Project AAA)

Coming up in 2019

A glance into the near future, we have scheduled three more seasonal episodes: summer (#11), fall (#12), and winter (#13) in 2019.

Any suggestions, ideas? You can send Carolin topics you would like to see covered in the next discussion. Our thoughts currently evolve around #digitalsolutions or value chain finance, but we are also eager to match your interests and keep pace with times.

We are looking forward to having a rich discussion – stay tuned!


Please, note that with your entering the webinar – either virtually or physically – you consent to the use of your personal data in accordance with the European General Data Privacy Regulation (2016/679). Please read this information carefully: Declaration_WebinarSeries_VLPlus_GIZ2019

Edited recording of the previous webinar

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