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Upcoming Webinar

COVID-19 poses unprecedented challenges to economies worldwide and our all well-being.

Most of us stay at home now, but how do essential goods and services still reach us and those who need them most? We are just beginning to understand what COVID-19 will mean for international trade in general and for developing countries’ trade prospects in particular.

In the coming months, policymakers in the global south, as well as north, will need to set the direction not only for the future of our economies but also for the future of our societies. Better make the right decisions now than return to the drawing board later. At this point, gathering and exchanging information is of crucial importance.

With the aim of bringing together GIZ technical expertise and experiences around the globe, the sector projects “Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance” (SP AAA) “Trade and Investment for Sustainable Development” (SP Trade and Investment), “Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture” (SP Fish) are inviting you to join a 1-hour webinar.

We would like to discuss with you the latest developments in trade, agricultural trade and fisheries. Furthermore, we are eager to hear from your experiences so please do not hesitate to use the chat during the webinar to let us know how COVID-19 has impacted trade in your country.


5 min Welcoming words and introduction Heike Hoeffler and Kristina Mensah (SP AAA)
10 min Impact on global trade Tobias Leeg, Sascha Berndt (SP Trade and Investment)
10 min Presentation of the current literature on the impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural trade Adriana Garcia Vargas (Consultant SP AAA)
5min Impact on fisheries Sophia Kochalski (SP Fish)
25min Discussion
5 min Wrap-up Sara Mohns (SP Trade and Investment)
15 min  Optional extension of discussion for those interested

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