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BMZ 2030 Meets SNRD Africa

What’s the strategy with African countries and who or what is EWOH?

This webinar will serve as an intro session to the BMZ 2030 strategy which sets the cornerstones of the new form of cooperation with partner countries of the GermanFederal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The session will shed some light on what BMZ 2030 is about, what possible results for German cooperation in African countries and projects might be.

Furthermore, we will have a deep-dive on the core areas SNRD Africa works in:

  1. A world without hunger
  2. Responsibility for our planet – climate and energy
  3. Protecting life on Earth – the environment and natural resources

And how possible monitoring through outcome and indicators could look like.

We are looking forward to your participation to present and discuss the transitioning to a new kind of cooperation.

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