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Online Training

Introduction to Agricultural and Value Chain Finance, including digitalization and technology in access to finance as well as climate-smart agricultural financing

​6–8 April 2022 from 9-13 CET each day (3 modules)

Is it for you?

The training has been developed for national and international GIZ staff working with the agricultural or food-based sectors, based in partner countries or at head office, who want to explore how access to financial services can improve project beneficiaries’ lives.


This is introductory training, and little or no financial systems development expertise is expected, whereas a thorough understanding of agricultural value chains is required.

The course language is English, therefore the ability to communicate fluently in English is required, as well as the willingness to participate actively and share experience.

Participants should be prepared to invest up to 15 hours over three days (in one week) for the course and should have access to an office or other room where they can participate in online sessions without being disturbed. Basic IT literacy (including the use of MS Teams) and a stable internet connection allowing for voice and ideally video is required.

Content details

  • Module 1 will provide the basis for the following two days. We will discuss the reasons why financial services matter for agricultural stakeholders by looking at the financial lives of our target groups and their needs. It will cover the main concepts of financial inclusion and agricultural finance and give an overview of financial services and provider types. Finally, we will put ourselves into the shoes of a financial institution and try to understand the obstacles to financing agriculture.
  • Module 2 will cover digitalization and technology in financial inclusion and particularly agricultural lending, as well as climate-smart agricultural financing. For both topics, we will first look at the theoretical basics before we will be able to discuss their experiences with guest speakers from GIZ projects.
  • Module 3 will look at how and where to start when planning to set up a financing component in your project. In addition, we will look at typical set-ups and instruments GIZ offers to support these. We will also be able to talk to a guest speaker from a financial institution to hear about their initiatives as well as what they look for when collaborating with an institution such as GIZ.

Spots are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please make sure to secure your spot with before 18 February 

If you have further questions, please send an e-mail to or

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