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Agribusiness e-Academy

Organiser: GIZ, Agribusiness Facility for Africa

The GIZ Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF) has recently launched the Agribusiness e-Academy which offers self-paced learning opportunities in English and French. The courses foster knowledge and skills on agronomy, entrepreneurship and economics instrumental for agribusiness practitioners, extension agents, teachers, and trainers. Course contents build on proven concepts and tools to assist learners in becoming more successful agripreneurs themselves or to improve the trainings on agribusiness that they provide to others.

Interactive and multi-media features, knowledge tests, fora-exchanges with other learners, downloadable course materials and scored course certificates complete the learning experience. Many courses are already available and offered free of charge on a self-enrolment basis after an initial registration on the online learning management system. Atingi also offers an app for offline use of previously downloaded courses.

Further course offers are under development and will be published in the Agribusiness e-Academy by the ABF-team.

Link to the e-Academy (you will be forwarded to the Agribusiness e-Academy after login/registration on atingi):

Contacts: Julika Stauber, Melanie Hinderer & Simon Striegel, GIZ,

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