Promoting Employment of Young People in the Agri-Food Sector

First online training held
Employment in the Agri-Food Sector

Participants of the online training session ⎮ © GIZ

From May 30 to June 2, the first 20 participants from different project backgrounds in 11 countries attended the virtual training course Employment in the Agri-Food Sector.

The objective

The aim of the training is to disseminate approaches, concepts, instruments and experiences with employment promotion of young people in rural areas.

The modules

The participants actively engage in four modules over four half days to learn about the following topics:


The feedback

The participants of the first round were clearly positive about the training. They found it particularly valuable to understand how the adapted approach to employment promotion for rural areas can be implemented in a pragmatic manner.

The participants are planning to apply the approaches of the RYE Toolbox (upcoming) in their own project context. To enable online participation, the use of interactive tools was especially appreciated.

Feedback from participants ⎮ © GIZ

The organisers are planning to provide training in English — and later also in French — on a regular basis in order to complement existing training offers on the topic of employment promotion.

This training offered by the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) is a cooperation between the KC Rural Development & Food Security and the Global Project “Employment in rural areas with a focus on youth”

Additional information

For more on the contents and upcoming training sessions please get in touch with, Competence Center Rural Development & Food Security, Global Project Employment in rural areas with a focus on youth

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