Land-use Planning, Forests and Forest Landscapes
Workstream of the Climate Change, Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management working group
Spatial planning, management of forest areas and the restoration of forest landscapes are intimately linked. The aim of sustainable forest management is to maintain or improve the long-term health of forest ecosystems in order to provide current and future generations with the environmental, economic and social benefits that these ecosystems provide. The forest is an asset for the attractiveness of territories and the landscape is a fertile concept for considering the complexity of forest territories.
Good forest governance implies the design of emerging landscape policies, forest management practices, fast-growing afforestation and measures to combat biodiversity degradation, but also forests that are the subject of strong social demand. The landscape approach to forest management facilitates a holistic vision of the actions to be taken for better management of these areas.
In the context of increasing deforestation leading to several changes in land use and management, conflicts of use, biodiversity loss and climate change, it is essential to address land-use planning in the management of natural resources. Land use planning is the process of modifying, rectifying, correcting, adapting and transforming a given area for a given purpose.
This working group will address issues related to ecosystem-based management to maintain biodiversity and the viability of ecosystems with the aim of developing effective tools for the management of forest areas, the restoration of degraded landscapes and the sustainable use of forest resources. The themes relating to the elaboration of land use plans, creation of ecological corridors, reforestation, analysis of participatory and integrated approaches relating to the restoration of ecological and productive functions of degraded forest landscapes, promotion of good governance in the forest sector in order to improve the income of local rural populations and the professionalization of value chains.
- Valentine Ebua ( – AFR100, Ethiopia
- Tchigankong Désiré ( — speaker of the Climate Livelihood and Natural Resources Management working group