L.T. Cynthia Dakin
Trainer/Coach for Western Africa
Specific expertise in Contract Farming
- Participation à la formation des formateurs en agriculture contractuelle (AC) 2015 au Bénin (ProAgri/GIZ)
- Réalisation d’une vingtaine de formations de base au profit des acteurs du secteur agricole au Bénin et au Burkina-Faso
- Réalisation d’une étude d’impacts des effets et impacts des formations relatives aux approches ValueLinks et AC au Bénin
- Formation sur les modèles d’affaires en AC, coaching sur le développement des modèles d’affaires en AC (au Bénin et au Burkina-Faso)
Current position
Consultante indépendante, Ingénieur agronome, socio-économiste
Professional background
Plus de neuf ans d’expérience dans le secteur agricole :
- Renforcement des capacités, formations, accompagnement et analyses dans la promotion des chaines de valeurs ajoutées (approche ValueLinks et Case)
- Formations et appui-conseils en entrepreneuriat agricole
- Conception de modules de formation
- Accompagnement dans la rédaction de documents stratégiques
- Réalisation d’études socio-économiques
If you want to get in contact with the trainers and coaches presented on our website for the purpose of promoting contract farming as inclusive business model, you can request the contact information of the respective trainer or coach via our contact contact email address contract-farming@giz.de or simply via the contact button under the respective profile. Please note that your contact request may take some time to be processed. There is no entitlement to have the contact request processed, or processed within a certain period of time.
Please note that the trainers and coaches presented on our website are legally independent and no employees or representatives of GIZ and SNRD Africa. If you want to contract one of the trainers and coaches, you must enter into a contractual relationship with the trainers and coaches and agree on their respective conditions for the provision of the specific services. The respective trainers and coaches are not obliged to conclude a contract with you. GIZ and SNRD Africa do not accept any liability for the conclusion of such a contract. Furthermore, GIZ and SNRD Africa will not incur any pre-contractual costs nor any costs of the respective assignments of the trainers and coaches. All costs incurred in connection with the contracting of a trainer or coach are to be borne by the trainer’s or coach’s clients.
Further, GIZ, SNRD Africa and the Contract Farming Community of Practice Facilitators do not assume any warranty or liability for the quality of the services rendered by trainers and coaches. Any warranty claims and compensation claims are to be asserted exclusively against the respective trainers and coaches.
The Selling or any other commercial use of the contact details and personal data of the trainers and coaches handed out to you or displayed on the SNRD Africa website is prohibited. The contact details and personal data handed out or displayed on the Community of Practice Contract Farming shall only be used for purposes of networking, in order to facilitate the identification of appropriate trainers or coaches for your assignment to promote the GIZ approach of Contract Farming as an inclusive business model.
Please also note our further information on the EU data protection guidelines.