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Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Land Management2022-02-07T12:42:54+01:00

Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Land Management

Workstream of the Climate and Nature working group

Climate change is an increasingly perceptible reality. Its impacts are intensifying overnight and are hitting vulnerable countries and communities hardest. To cope with the effects of climate change, various actors urgently need to intensify their actions to adapt to the new climate reality or face significant costs, damage and losses. Adaptation is an overriding factor in coping with the effects of climate change as it aims to reduce the vulnerability of countries and communities to climate change while increasing their capacity to absorb its impacts. Adaptation very often relies on nature-based solutions as low-cost options that reduce climate risks, restore and protect biodiversity and soils, and bring benefits to communities and economies.

In view of the strong degradation of natural resources and the advance of the desert very often caused by climate change, we have seen great climatic variability, the lack of control over meteorological data and the lack of information on the climate of the communities. In addition to this, there are certain anthropogenic practices that have a strong impact on the climate, such as poor agricultural, livestock and fishing practices. The effects are increasingly noticeable in several African countries: falling crop yields, lack of grazing areas and conflicts over land management. The objective of this working group is to work to develop, present and share tools to strengthen the resilience of ecological, social and production systems in vulnerable areas to enable vulnerable groups to cope with the impacts of climate change. This group will also work on the design of integrated and innovative approaches to adaptation and resilience to climate change for the different actors strongly involved in climate change.


  • Diarra Abdramane ( – Projet d’Appui à la Mise en œuvre de la stratégie National du Mali sur les changements Climatiques (ASNaCC)
  • Tchigankong Désiré ( — speaker of the Climate Livelihood and Natural Resources Management working group
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Climate Change, Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management working group


We are looking forward to your participation and contribution!

Speaker: Désiré Tchigankong

Co-speaker: Sven Schuppener
Tandem partners: Kirsten Probst, Andreas Müller

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