Climate and Nature
Based on lessons learned, this working group promotes concepts that foster the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change.
It supports the exchange of results and experiences between projects or programmes and develops innovative products to contribute to knowledge management and more efficient implementation of projects and programmes.
The working group believes that a well governed and responsible management of natural resources is the foundation of sustainable development in rural areas. The impacts and risks of climate change on livelihoods and natural resources are taken into account, especially through concepts such as ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation.
INNOSTART 2019 — An Airbus-GIZ Collaboration in the DRC
Objectifs, candidats, ambiance avant l’event final — An initiative using aerospace technology for development efforts
Utilizing Local Know-How for Soil Rehabilitation in Dry Areas
The case of Laf and Maoudine in the Far-North Region of Cameroon
Innovation, Digitalization, Research and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Natural Resources Management
A collaboration with Airbus led to a new initiative — InnoStart 2019
Human Rights and Protected Areas
Looking at Kahuzi Biega National Park in the DRC
Developing Village Nurseries and Employment Opportunities for Women
In Cameroon's Far North Region
Linking Tenure Security and Forest Landscape Restoration — An Example from Madagascar
Edited recording of a webinar conducted by the CCLNRM working group