Climate and Nature
Based on lessons learned, this working group promotes concepts that foster the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change.
It supports the exchange of results and experiences between projects or programmes and develops innovative products to contribute to knowledge management and more efficient implementation of projects and programmes.
The working group believes that a well governed and responsible management of natural resources is the foundation of sustainable development in rural areas. The impacts and risks of climate change on livelihoods and natural resources are taken into account, especially through concepts such as ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation.
A Strong Voice for Equal Opportunities
Radios and women entrepreneurs in rural Cameroon call for gender equality
Chasing Curious Carnivores
Lions wandering around Cameroon’s Central Region
Update from the CCLNRM Working Group
The working group on Climate Change, Livelihoods and Natural Resources Management starts into the new season with 11 workstreams
Les grandes tendances et leurs effets sur l’avenir de l’Afrique rurale — Changement climatique
Discours d'ouverture par Laouali Garba, responsable en chef du changement climatique à la Banque africaine de développement
Where Lies the Future of Aforestation Initiatives?
Brief statement by CCLNRM working group speaker Désiré Tchigangkong
Adaptation Is a Matter of Policy Level Integration
Brief statement by Abdramane N'golo Diarra, Advisor Climate Change, GIZ Mali