Climate and Nature
Based on lessons learned, this working group promotes concepts that foster the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change.
It supports the exchange of results and experiences between projects or programmes and develops innovative products to contribute to knowledge management and more efficient implementation of projects and programmes.
The working group believes that a well governed and responsible management of natural resources is the foundation of sustainable development in rural areas. The impacts and risks of climate change on livelihoods and natural resources are taken into account, especially through concepts such as ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation.
Climate Change in Rural Landscapes – Systemic Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Fact sheet on rethinking rural development from a climate angle
Agroecology — Connecting People, Land, Climate, and Biodiversity
Policy brief recaps the 2024 Rio CoPs and provides recommendations for the next meeting in Belém
L’amélioration des techniques agricoles à travers l’agroécologie
Brève déclaration de Prisca N'Goran sur sa participation à la conférence SNRD Afrique 2023
Agriculture pour la préservation de la biodiversité — Une voie vers la transformations
Brève déclaration de Jean-Paul Mukoko sur sa participation à la conférence SNRD Afrique 2023
Transform & Innovate: Future-Proof Food Systems 2
Welcome note by Kirsten Focken at the 2023 SNRD Africa conference
Transform & Innovate: Future-Proof Food Systems
Welcome note by Ralf Sanftenberg at the 2023 SNRD Africa conference