Collaboration Is Key for Sustainable Digital Solutions in Our Daily Business!

The department 4D “Climate, Rural development and infrastructure” strengthens competence development and exchange on digital solutions. Are you in?
Internal collaboration

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Value add for readers

  • Learn about the importance as to why participate in the GIZ-internal survey on the state of GIZ’s digitalization
  • It is an opportunity to share your knowledge of sustainable digital solutions to create standard versions
  © Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

How do we create and scale sustainable and standardized digital solutions for our GIZ projects worldwide? This is an important question, especially with a view to GIZ’s new corporate strategy.

The response of the department “4D – Climate, Rural Development, Infrastructure” is: Collaboration and knowledge sharing on digital topics, both within the own department, the Sector Department (FMB), other business units and especially with our projects worldwide, about which we are in close contact thanks to our Sector Networks.

For this reason, a new cross-sector team has been set up in the 4D department. The so-called digital contacts or in GIZ German “Digi APs”. They deal with digital topics that are relevant for their department and share their knowledge about new approaches in their specific sectors, state-of-the art digital solutions, common challenges. They promote competence development during the digital transformation of GIZ.

So, there is more movement with the topic of digitalization and what would these initiatives be without the exchange with colleagues worldwide?

At this point therefore the appeal to you: Share your knowledge of sustainable digital solutions with us! Take part in our short survey and support us in working together on the idea of standardized solutions. For you, it is maybe 10 minutes, for us it is an important first step to get in touch and to put effective knowledge management into practice.

We really appreciate your collaboration!

Thanks for sharing!

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