The Three Most Important Topics in Development Cooperation
Brief statement by Tobias Gerster, Head of Division Africa Supra-Regional and Horn of Africa
Brief statement by Tobias Gerster, Head of Division Africa Supra-Regional and Horn of Africa
Find the final agenda, more details forthcoming. We are looking forward to your participation!
Four comprehensive software tools were presented at the SNRD Asia / TUEWAS workshop
Online presentation held at the SNRD Asia workshop on the "SDGs going digital"
Introduction to the latest ICT tools available in Africa and how you can effectively use them to empower women in rural areas
GIZ is phasing in their new integrated digital applications platform IDA
The SNRD Africa conference beginning of May was a lively, interactive event with about 150 participants from all over Africa and Germany. Find the final report.
Hans Schöneberger thinks that all progress achieved in rural development will be eaten up by population growth. The issue put massive pressure on natural resources and was the source for substantial conflict. (...)
Barbara Schweiger wants more thinking out of the box. Issues such as those related to climate should make SNRD consider more training and social aspects (...)
As the newly elected speaker of the SNRD Africa, I want to encourage efforts to keep the energetic momentum of the conference and build onto the ideas. Let’s be innovative so that we can implement as much as possible in the coming years. What I want to support (...)