Chasing Curious Carnivores
Lions wandering around Cameroon’s Central Region
Lions wandering around Cameroon’s Central Region
The working group on Climate Change, Livelihoods and Natural Resources Management starts into the new season with 11 workstreams
Discours d'ouverture par Laouali Garba, responsable en chef du changement climatique à la Banque africaine de développement
Brief statement by CCLNRM working group speaker Désiré Tchigangkong
Brief statement by Abdramane N'golo Diarra, Advisor Climate Change, GIZ Mali
Input for a webinar on the economics of forest landscape restoration by Lincoln Davis of UNIQUE
Input for a webinar on the economics of forest landscape restoration by Lincoln Davis of UNIQUE
Global restoration initiatives for climate change mitigation actions and livelihood options
Global restoration initiatives for climate change mitigation actions and livelihood options
Lessons-learned with a collaborative management approach at Takamanda National Park in South-West Cameroon