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Producer Organizations Witness Positive Impacts Of “Farmer Business School” on Members’ Livelihoods 

2017-10-26T15:20:29+02:00October 21st, 2017|Categories: Inclusive Agribusiness, UPDATES|

Implementers of Farmer Business School confirm that combined with other services, the concept has triggered smallholders’ investments in better production techniques, a forming of new organisations and their evolution

Progress Towards Living Wage and Living Income

2018-02-02T14:42:53+01:00October 20th, 2017|Categories: Inclusive Agribusiness, UPDATES|

“The tea sector is the second most important foreign exchange earner for Malawi”, said the Community Development Minister at the progress meeting of the Malawi 2020 Initiative. Some 50,000 tea workers and 16,000 smallholder tea farmers made it the country’s biggest employer