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Improved Cashew Planting Material and By-Product Processing Technologies for Ghana

2017-10-16T19:45:49+02:00October 12th, 2017|Categories: Inclusive Agribusiness, UPDATES|

Ghana, Brazil and Germany to cooperate in fostering research capacities in the Ghanaian cashew sector as well as to develop cashew apple processing capacities and a market for cashew by-products

GIZ: My Farm, my business. The Farmer Business School and its sucess in Togo. 2017

2017-07-01T12:40:34+02:00June 13th, 2017|Categories: Inclusive Agribusiness, VIDEOS|

The Farmer Business School (FBS) is a successful tool for farmers in Togo/West Africa who work on a micro-level. It aims to gain more money by running an own business in order to reduce poverty and to increase quality of life.