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About Pascal Corbé

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So far Pascal Corbé has created 1045 blog entries.
Website and content editor

The Blue Solutions Initiative: Capacity Building and Solutions for Coastal and Marine Management

2017-07-01T12:33:23+02:00June 28th, 2017|Categories: Climate and Nature, UPDATES|

What are effective ways to foster sustainable management of marine resources while improving human well-being? What are the best practices that have worked on the ground, and what are common success factors?

New Workgroup on Food Security, Nutrition & Resilience

2017-07-01T12:36:16+02:00June 23rd, 2017|Categories: Food and Nutrition Security, UPDATES|

You might have heard about it already, SNRD Africa has established a new working group. Members of the sector network who directly or indirectly deal with Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience have formed an interdisciplinary collaboration of experts (…)