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About Pascal Corbé

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So far Pascal Corbé has created 1045 blog entries.
Website and content editor

UNESCO Removes Comoé National Park From List of Sites in Danger

2017-07-23T11:42:38+02:00July 18th, 2017|Categories: UPDATES|

Filling the German-Ivorian cooperation with pride, the World Heritage Committee took the Ivoirian park from the “red” list of endangered world heritage sites. The decision was based on the analysis and the conclusions of the World Heritage Centre and IUCN as an official advisory body to the Committee.

Open Space – Participation des Organisations des Jeunes dans la Gestion de Sécurité Alimentaire

2017-07-18T11:41:23+02:00July 7th, 2017|Categories: Food and Nutrition Security, PROJECTS, VIDEOS|

Pascal Payet partage les trois lésons appris du Open Space dédié à la place des jeunes dans la gestion de la sécurité alimentaire.

Looking Ahead From the SNRD Conference – New Collaboration Tools Need to Be Utilised in the Future

2017-07-07T12:36:57+02:00July 6th, 2017|Categories: COLLABORATION|

As the newly elected speaker of the SNRD Africa, I want to encourage efforts to keep the energetic momentum of the conference and build onto the ideas. Let’s be innovative so that we can implement as much as possible in the coming years. What I want to support (...)

The Magical Transformation of Muddy Water

2017-07-06T07:54:49+02:00July 4th, 2017|Categories: Food and Nutrition Security, UPDATES|

Not having access to clean drinking water is a common but extremely serious problem in the Ethiopian highlands. It forces local residents to take long walks and to consume polluted, unsafe water. A GIZ project demonstrates how innovative water filters contribute to healthier lives for thousands of people.