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About Pascal Corbé

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So far Pascal Corbé has created 1045 blog entries.
Website and content editor

The Science-Policy Interface for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Action: What Are the Lessons Learned?

2017-11-20T09:31:51+01:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Policies for Rural Development, VIDEOS|

Gerd Fleischer describes the direction of agricultural research and policy advise provided by GIZ to ministries in Germany and developing countries

Calling for Enhanced Food and Nutrition Security in Benin

2017-11-01T08:38:05+01:00November 1st, 2017|Categories: PROJECTS, UPDATES|

Team members of the Projet de Securité Alimentaire et renforcement de la Résilience urged the Benin government to allocate more resources to improve the nutritional situation in the country, in particular to enable the decentralised entities to play their role more efficiently

The Most Pressing Issue in Rural Development — Ousmane Djibo

2017-11-02T07:29:59+01:00October 28th, 2017|Categories: Food and Nutrition Security, VIDEOS|

Each year 20m youths will be entering African labour market in the coming decades, while only 3m are expected to be able to find jobs. In this in-depth interview the manager of the sector project Agricultural Policy and Food Security, calls for more innovative initiative to ensure that these generations will have an opportunity for a better life.