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Case study from the Inclusive Development of the Economy (INCLUDE) Programme in Nepal

This webinar is part 2 of the series on

Promoting entrepreneurship – dos and don’ts
Mapping the entrepreneurial ecosystem

The webinar is meant to be an exchange forum for GIZ colleagues working in the field of entrepreneurship.

Every webinar will be dedicated to one specific challenge of entrepreneurship promotion which will be analysed in the context of one GIZ project example.

In this second webinar Deepak Adhikari from GIZ Nepal and Mariella Regh from GIZ Bonn will present:

How to conduct an ecosystem mapping

Case study from the Inclusive Development of the Economy (INCLUDE) Programme in Nepal


Length Item
5’ Introduction Round & Technical Check

by Alexandra Oppermann,

Sector Project Sustainable Economic Policy and Private Sector Development

5’ Presentation of Today’s Focus Principle

by Mariella Regh,

Sector Project Sustainable Economic Policy and Private Sector Development

15’ Presentation of Practical Case Study

by Deepak Adhikari,


30’ Q & A / Discussion

Plenary, moderated by Alexandra Oppermann

5’ Wrap up and announcement of next webinar

by Alexandra Oppermann

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