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The Sector Project ‘Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance’, the SNRD working group ‘Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development’ and the ‘Sectoral Department’ (FMB) invite to their 7th online webinar, as part of the series on Value Links Plus.

Contents and presenters

  • Iris van der Velden from IDH (The Sustainable Trade Initiative) will share her experience.
  • Alfons Eiligmann and Andreas Springer-Heinze will introduce the promotion of service provision arrangements in value chains according to the ValueLinks 2.0 Manual.

The organisers encourage participants to voice their particular interests in a certain area of agricultural value chains. They will see to accommodate these wishes and get them covered in more detail during one of the upcoming webinars.

Upfront questions

You already have tons of questions that you want to ask the presenters? — Please, send them to Carolin Voigt ( prior to the webinar. We will make sure that we cover your points during the presentations or we will get to them during the Q&A part of the session.

We are looking forward to having great discussions with you!

How to enter

The webinar is conducted via Skype for Business. The access link can be obtained from the organisers.

The Organisers

  • Carolin Voigt, Junior Advisor, Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance
  • Eberhard Krain, Planning Officer, FMB, and tandem partner of the SNRD ABIVCD Working Group
  • Andreas Springer-Heinze, Senior Planning Officer, Sectoral Department

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