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Chargement Évènements

Agenda overview

Sunday evening

Arrival and onboarding of new members


  • Openings and brief presentation of host program “Biodiversity Management and Climate Change (BMCC) II Project”
  • Pecha Cucha “Biodiversity & Climate Change”
  • Highlights and lowlights from the sub-working groups
  • Virtual collaboration & IDA
  • Exchange on news from head offices and other SNRD groups, including updates on Human Rights & Nature Conservation andLand Degradation Neutrality, a brief presentation of the GIZ Study on Land Governance


Meetings of the sub-working groups on:

  • Biodiversity
  • Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Sub-Sahara Africa including sustainable wood energy
  • Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change: The National Adaptation Plan process


Part 1 of the field trip: « Mainstreaming biodiversity into wider landscape management: The example of B2Gold Mine Education Centre/Otjikoto Game Reserve »


Field Trip – part II to Waterberg Plateau Park with a visit to the anti-poaching school and protected areas management


Rosa-Stella Mbulu (BMCC, Namibia) / Tchani Wachiou (ProREDD, Togo)

Facilitation languages

English and French

Photo above

Namibia Otjikoto Lake by Zairon

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